Exploring the Calming Influence of Blue Carpets in Office Environments : Ortigas Pasig Project

Often associated with clear skies and the tranquil sea, the color blue is known for emanating feelings of peace, calmness, trust, and security. It is a non-threatening color that we associate with nature and eventually helps us have more positive emotions. As such, organizations utilize this color to ensure that employees feel secure and light. They use this in office decor, in their branding, and even in uniforms or merch items.

One example of effectively using the color blue is having it installed as carpets in the office. Our Ortigas client opted for this kind of installation with the hopes of bringing a calming effect into their work environment. As supported by numerous studies and even medical institutions, having a proper physical environment for employees positively affects their performance and organizations as a whole. From this alone, we can say that our Pasig customer was right on track in aiming for a good and soothing workplace.

Calming blue carpet roll Ortigas Pasig

Our client had the blue carpets installed for their receiving area, hallways and work spaces. It can be inferred that they opted for this color as their company’s motif and allowed such to dominate their work area. The shade of blue chosen also has a hint of green to it and research suggests that these shades of blue with accents of the color green helps induce creativity. Collaborative and creative thinking is helpful to employees working in teams as they could be aided during brainstorming sessions. This is just one of the many benefits of blue carpets for offices. We are to make sure that it’s an exciting journey as we continue to elaborate why blue carpets are surely a great choice! 

Studies show that the color blue triggers more positive feelings and could help employees have a clearer and better state of mind in the office. Physiologically, it has been studied that the color helps slow down heart rate and breathing which in return could help the employee reduce stress, improve focus and ultimately, increase productivity. In addition to these, the color blue is also known to be less stimulating and this could help lessen feelings of being overwhelmed or panicked. Studies also picked up that exposure to blue light during daytime can help an individual be more alert and focused. 

Blue carpet office

The installation of blue carpets is like hitting two birds with one stone because it does not only provide workers with a great working environment, it also considers long-term effects like improved performance and greater employee contributions to the organization. 

Reap the same benefits and have a look at more of our products in this link at www.carpet.com.ph.

For more information on our blue carpets, visit our showroom in the mall or call us at 8403-3262, 8893-1373 or 0916-311-3909. Email us at inquiry@dswindows.com.